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Tag: content marketing

Unlocking the Power of Content: A Guide for Law Firms

In the dynamic digital landscape, where competition for online visibility is fierce, content reigns supreme. At Bardorf Legal Marketing, we understand that for lawyers and law firms, the significance of publishing relevant and quality content cannot be overstated. It’s not just about filling up your website with words; it’s about fueling your online presence, ensuring it thrives and stands out amidst the crowd. Here’s why content should be the cornerstone of your online strategy. Fueling

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Powering Your Legal Practice

3 Critical Components For An Effective Online Marketing Strategy The digital landscape provides law firms and attorneys an opportunity to scale their practices through powerful online marketing strategies. Three critical components stand out: optimizing Google Business Profiles, harnessing client reviews, and consistently publishing relevant content. Each aspect plays a distinct role in enhancing visibility and reputation, but their collective synergy fosters a robust online presence that can attract and retain more clients. The Power of

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Which Marketing Activities Could Your Firm Take In-house?

Knowing which tasks to delegate and when is the mark of a great professional. While some attorneys want to have a part in every aspect of running their firm, others understand that working with a trusted partner gets them to the finish line. As a legal professional, marketing isn’t likely one of your strengths. While outsourcing your marketing is often the best idea, it can also be costly. Here are three marketing tasks that small

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Practice Area Pages vs. Blog Posts: Do You Need Both?

Your marketing strategy should aim to engage potential clients and direct leads to your website. The best method for accomplishing this is content. The more relevant and quality content you have, the more opportunities your legal website has to attract new business. Maximize your marketing efforts with multiple types of content, such as blog posts and practice area pages. Blog Posts vs. Practice Area Pages Every type of content has a unique purpose and use.

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The Three Pillars of a Balanced Law Firm Marketing Plan

With so many digital marketing strategies out there, it can be challenging to figure out which ones are right for your firm. A balanced marketing plan will incorporate multiple strategies and is necessary for today’s competitive market. Pillar I: Content Marketing When it comes to creating content, think authority and authenticity. Clients want to feel connected to a business before they buy into a service. This is especially true for legal services, where issues often

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4 Tips to Create Compelling Content for Attorney Websites

Creating compelling content is important. Well crafted content has the ability to generate interest and bring in potential clients, as well as establish and maintain trust with your existing client base. But’s it’s not as simple as writing an article and posting it to your website. When you create online content, there are two audiences that you need to keep in mind. The first audience and the one you are likely most familiar with is

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