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Legal Marketing Blog

The Importance of Properly Qualifying Prospective Clients for Attorneys

Managing incoming inquiries may seem like a straightforward administrative task, but it is actually one of the most critical steps in attracting and converting desirable, high-value cases. Unfortunately, this process is often mishandled in many firms, leading to wasted time and resources on unqualified leads that could have been filtered out early, or worse, missed business opportunities. A common issue is the lack of proper qualification of prospective clients. Legal assistants or intake staff often

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The Power of LiveChat For Attorneys

In today’s digital age, where potential clients turn to the internet for answers to their legal queries, the significance of a strong online presence cannot be overstated. As attorneys and law firms strive to connect with prospective clients in a competitive marketplace, innovative tools like LiveChat have emerged as invaluable assets. Let’s delve into the benefits and effectiveness of integrating LiveChat into attorney websites. The Significance of LiveChat in Today’s Legal Landscape As the legal

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Unlocking the Power of Content: A Guide for Law Firms

In the dynamic digital landscape, where competition for online visibility is fierce, content reigns supreme. At Bardorf Legal Marketing, we understand that for lawyers and law firms, the significance of publishing relevant and quality content cannot be overstated. It’s not just about filling up your website with words; it’s about fueling your online presence, ensuring it thrives and stands out amidst the crowd. Here’s why content should be the cornerstone of your online strategy. Fueling

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Emerging Technologies in Lawyer Marketing: Exploring AI, Chatbots, and Voice Search for Law Firms

In today’s digital age, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for law firms aiming to grow their online presence and attract new clients. The rapid advancement of technology has opened up new avenues for internet marketing, revolutionizing the way businesses connect with their target audience. As a leading digital marketing firm specializing in serving lawyers and law firms, Bardorf Legal Marketing is at the forefront of leveraging emerging technologies to help legal professionals thrive

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Powering Your Legal Practice

3 Critical Components For An Effective Online Marketing Strategy The digital landscape provides law firms and attorneys an opportunity to scale their practices through powerful online marketing strategies. Three critical components stand out: optimizing Google Business Profiles, harnessing client reviews, and consistently publishing relevant content. Each aspect plays a distinct role in enhancing visibility and reputation, but their collective synergy fosters a robust online presence that can attract and retain more clients. The Power of

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Maximizing Your Marketing Strategy: The Power of Social Media for Attorneys

Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate and connect with each other, and attorneys are not an exception to this trend. With over 3.8 billion social media users worldwide, social media platforms offer a valuable opportunity for attorneys to reach out to potential clients and engage with their existing ones. Should attorneys use social media in their marketing strategy? Absolutely! Social media can be an effective and engaging marketing tool for attorneys to attract

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Which Marketing Activities Could Your Firm Take In-house?

Knowing which tasks to delegate and when is the mark of a great professional. While some attorneys want to have a part in every aspect of running their firm, others understand that working with a trusted partner gets them to the finish line. As a legal professional, marketing isn’t likely one of your strengths. While outsourcing your marketing is often the best idea, it can also be costly. Here are three marketing tasks that small

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Practice Area Pages vs. Blog Posts: Do You Need Both?

Your marketing strategy should aim to engage potential clients and direct leads to your website. The best method for accomplishing this is content. The more relevant and quality content you have, the more opportunities your legal website has to attract new business. Maximize your marketing efforts with multiple types of content, such as blog posts and practice area pages. Blog Posts vs. Practice Area Pages Every type of content has a unique purpose and use.

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Optimize Your Law Firm Site To Convert Visitors To Clients

Getting a qualified potential client to your site is a feat-in-itself. Enticing them to stay on your site and to take action to connect with you is an entirely different matter. A successful website addresses visitor intent to ensure qualified prospects stick around long enough to learn how you can solve their legal problem and instill the confidence to take the next step and contact you. Visual elements are often the first thing a visitor

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Moving from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 For Lawyers and Law Firms

Google is updating Google Analytics from Universal Analytics (also known as GA3 or UA) to a new, upgraded version, Google Analytics 4 (GA4). As you may already know, Google Analytics is the measurement platform that collects important website activity and data. The current Universal Analytics version will stop collecting data on July 1st, 2023, so many lawyers and law firms are preparing to make the switch to GA4 now. Here are just a few of

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The Truth About Those Prestigious Awards For Attorneys

Congratulations! You’ve been selected for the Attorney Congeniality Award. Okay, this is a made-up award but many of the honors, awards, and recognition claims in the legal world are just as meaningless. Unfortunately, many attorneys make the mistake or perhaps intentionally turn a blind eye, to the true legitimacy of these so-called honors. From a marketing perspective, there is certainly value in displaying a nicely designed badge on the attorney’s website denoting achievement, accomplishment, and/or

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Developing a Brand Personality for Your Firm

What attracts potential clients to your firm over your competition? What thoughts and feelings do you want to evoke when others hear or see your firm’s name? What type of clients do you want to attract and resonate with? These are the questions you need to consider when developing your firm’s brand. Your brand personality is what will help your firm stand out in a sea of legal options. What is Law Firm Branding? Think

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Small Law Firm Marketing Strategies

Your firm may be small, but that doesn’t mean you can’t out-market your competition. Marketing on any scale can be intimidating in today’s complex and ever-changing digital landscape. However, you can successfully grow your practice on any marketing budget. The following tips are designed to help small law firms maximize the results of a limited team and budget. Effective Marketing Strategies In order to overcome marketing challenges as a small firm, you need to employ

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Why Your Website’s Performance Score Matters

Website performance isn’t exactly top of mind when considering how to run your law firm, but it should have a prominent role in your digital marketing strategy as Google rewards websites that perform well. How quickly the pages of your law firm’s website load and how they are displayed are measured by Google’s website performance score. Although the average internet user expects a page to load within two seconds, Google measures the load time of

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Local SEO For Lawyers

Search engine optimization (SEO) significantly impacts how clients find your firm online. Local SEO goes one step further by narrowing down search results by location. After all, you don’t necessarily want to field inbound inquiries from folks in California when you’re licensed to practice in Massachusetts. You can use local SEO as a marketing strategy to boost traffic to your website. People use search engines like Google to find local products, services, or information. This

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How Attorneys Use LinkedIn As A Reliable Source For New Client Referrals

Successful marketing strategies take advantage of various social media platforms to connect with different audiences. Today we review how attorneys use LinkedIn to obtain quality clients as a reliable referral source. Understanding LinkedIn Each social media platform attracts users of varied demographics. However, LinkedIn is typically considered a platform for professionals. As such, you can optimize your page to match the tone of your professional colleagues. The goal for attorneys using LinkedIn to market themselves

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Canceling Your FindLaw Website Subscription

If you have decided to cancel your FindLaw website subscription but not sure of the potential impact, speak with us first. We will help you transition away from FindLaw without losing your website functionality, online visibility, or Google rankings. If you’re a current FindLaw client, you’re probably spending more than you need to for the results you’re getting. Once you’ve come to the conclusion that your total marketing budget is probably adequate, but spending it

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Three Things the Best Law Firm Websites Have in Common

Now more than ever before, clients are finding their attorney online. This means your firm’s digital presence is crucial. There are three specific commonalities among the top-performing attorney websites today. #1 Clear Brand Message Nail down your brand messaging before creating content for your site. While the goal may be to inform visitors, you also want to appear approachable. Creating a clear brand message can be accomplished with the following tips: – Keep messaging concise

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Quality Lead Generation For Law Firms: Pay per Lead Versus Pay per Click Leads

As the legal industry continues to become more competitive, law firms have to refine their marketing strategy to stand out. You need a solid marketing plan to maintain a constant pool of clients and this includes online advertising. Your firm should understand two prominent advertising tactics: pay per lead (PPL) and pay per click (PPC) advertising. Implementing one or both of these advertising strategies can help your marketing and generate serious leads for your law

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Is Your Attorney Bio Due For an Update?

When was the last time you thought about your biography? If it’s been a while, it’s probably overdue for an update. Potential clients read your bio to get an impression of you as a lawyer. Drafting a well-crafted biography can be a strong foundation for your marketing efforts as you establish yourself as an expert in your practice area. Your professional bio should be prominent on your Google Business Profile, law firm website, and social

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