Practice Area Pages vs. Blog Posts: Do You Need Both?
Your marketing strategy should aim to engage potential clients and direct leads to your website. The best method for accomplishing this is content. The more relevant and quality content you have, the more opportunities your legal website has to attract new business. Maximize your marketing efforts with multiple types of content, such as blog posts and practice area pages. Blog Posts vs. Practice Area Pages Every type of content has a unique purpose and use. When comparing the content of blogs vs. practice area pages, you’ll quickly discover both have distinct roles to play in your marketing strategy. Blog Posts Blog content is a great way to set your firm apart from the competition while connecting with potential clients. This type of content is ideal for developing your online voice and demonstrating your expertise in a particular field, area, or topic. You can use a less formal writing style when creating blog posts, which allows you to connect directly with your ideal client. Posting blogs regularly adds value to your site by drawing in potential leads. Some blog topics to focus on: – Practice area topics. Provide examples of common obstacles faced by clients or successful cases you’ve worked on. – Connect with clients. Answer commonly asked questions or walk readers through the process of a case. – Show your expertise. Share your view on news stories related to the law, your practice area, and geographical location. – Announce new or proposed legislation. Use your blog as a place for