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Tag: Attorney Marketing

Practice Area Pages vs. Blog Posts: Do You Need Both?

Your marketing strategy should aim to engage potential clients and direct leads to your website. The best method for accomplishing this is content. The more relevant and quality content you have, the more opportunities your legal website has to attract new business. Maximize your marketing efforts with multiple types of content, such as blog posts and practice area pages. Blog Posts vs. Practice Area Pages Every type of content has a unique purpose and use. When comparing the content of blogs vs. practice area pages, you’ll quickly discover both have distinct roles to play in your marketing strategy. Blog Posts Blog content is a great way to set your firm apart from the competition while connecting with potential clients. This type of content is ideal for developing your online voice and demonstrating your expertise in a particular field, area, or topic. You can use a less formal writing style when creating blog posts, which allows you to connect directly with your ideal client. Posting blogs regularly adds value to your site by drawing in potential leads. Some blog topics to focus on: – Practice area topics. Provide examples of common obstacles faced by clients or successful cases you’ve worked on. – Connect with clients. Answer commonly asked questions or walk readers through the process of a case. – Show your expertise. Share your view on news stories related to the law, your practice area, and geographical location. – Announce new or proposed legislation. Use your blog as a place for

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Optimize Your Law Firm Site To Convert Visitors To Clients

Getting a qualified potential client to your site is a feat-in-itself. Enticing them to stay on your site and to take action to connect with you is an entirely different matter. A successful website addresses visitor intent to ensure qualified prospects stick around long enough to learn how you can solve their legal problem and instill the confidence to take the next step and contact you. Visual elements are often the first thing a visitor will notice. The right elements will inform visitors they have reached the right place to have their questions answered. Apply the following principles when adapting visual elements to your legal website. Less is more. Simple, straightforward elements help guide visitors to answers and your call to action without detracting from your services. Evoke emotion. Color is an important visual element that can be used to build an emotional connection and quickly communicate with potential clients. User experience is essential in site readability and accessibility. Formatting your website for ease of use will best serve visitors’ intent. To create a positive user experience, refer to the following guidelines. Include headers. Most people will start by skimming content to determine if it’s something they’d like to read further. Include clear titles to help guide visitors to the right information. Google also uses headers to recommend your page for search engine results. Content flow. Everything on your site should follow a logical flow. Organize pages under subcategories so potential clients can find answers in less than three clicks.

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Moving from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 For Lawyers and Law Firms

Google is updating Google Analytics from Universal Analytics (also known as GA3 or UA) to a new, upgraded version, Google Analytics 4 (GA4). As you may already know, Google Analytics is the measurement platform that collects important website activity and data. The current Universal Analytics version will stop collecting data on July 1st, 2023, so many lawyers and law firms are preparing to make the switch to GA4 now. Here are just a few of the highlights of GA4 that will undoubtedly improve your law firm marketing analytics. Event Enhancements User engagement activities, such as scrolling, outbound link clicks, document link clicks, and website searches, are new measures offered by GA4. Tracking these events provide valuable information about how users interact with your site and content. User Flow GA4 has made it easier to hone in on website visitor behavior with a new section called Life Cycle. Visualizing the user journey informs the flow users follow to get to a final conversion, which may be actions such as requesting more information or scheduling a consultation. GA4 provides the tools to track user activity for a complete customer journey overview holistically. Predictive Measurements GA4 provides three predictive metrics to help you predict which users are likely to become clients: Purchase Probability, Churn Probability, and Revenue Prediction. User Metrics GA4 has 3 user metrics (compared to 2 offered by Universal Analytics): Total Users, Active Users, and New Users. Advanced Analysis Previously accessible only to paying users, GA4 now provides access to advanced

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The Truth About Those Prestigious Awards For Attorneys

Congratulations! You’ve been selected for the Attorney Congeniality Award. Okay, this is a made-up award but many of the honors, awards, and recognition claims in the legal world are just as meaningless. Unfortunately, many attorneys make the mistake or perhaps intentionally turn a blind eye, to the true legitimacy of these so-called honors. From a marketing perspective, there is certainly value in displaying a nicely designed badge on the attorney’s website denoting achievement, accomplishment, and/or professional experience. These digital trophies serve as a mental check-mark to clients and prospective clients of some type of industry recognition. It feels good to hire an attorney who has been recognized as a “Super Lawyer” or the “Top Divorce Lawyer in Boston”. But here’s the reality. The vast majority of award companies in the legal space, including some of the most recognized ones, are less interested in vetting the best of the best, and are more interested in establishing a profitable and recurring revenue stream for their business. Yes, most of those digital trophies are no more than a participation award, whereby the attorney participates with their credit card. The Selection Process Most recipients of these awards do not care to scrutinize the well-crafted language explaining the “selection process” and would rather believe that somehow, countless unknown colleagues have appreciated their legal work so much that they have taken the time and “voted” for them to be duly recognized. Here is a common LinkedIn announcement you may come across from an attorney: “I’m very

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Developing a Brand Personality for Your Firm

What attracts potential clients to your firm over your competition? What thoughts and feelings do you want to evoke when others hear or see your firm’s name? What type of clients do you want to attract and resonate with? These are the questions you need to consider when developing your firm’s brand. Your brand personality is what will help your firm stand out in a sea of legal options. What is Law Firm Branding? Think about your favorite product. What are some characteristics you associate with that brand? Whether you realize it or not, the thoughts evoked when thinking about that product are not an accident. Developing a brand personality doesn’t just happen. Companies, including law firms, take deliberate actions to build brands. While you’re not selling a tangible product, you still want people to associate your firm with well-defined characteristics and values. Branding is an intangible communication between your firm and prospective and current clients. Your brand expresses your firm’s mission and values and represents who you are as an entity providing legal services. The Benefits of Strong Branding With the help of visual images and design, a strong branding strategy can communicate what makes your firm worth choosing over your competition. Having the right legal branding strategy in place will help with firm recognition, communicate values and strengths, and illustrate your firm’s field of law. Law Firm Brand vs. Brand Reputation Your firm’s reputation and branding are closely linked. However, they are not the same thing. The reputation

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Small Law Firm Marketing Strategies

Your firm may be small, but that doesn’t mean you can’t out-market your competition. Marketing on any scale can be intimidating in today’s complex and ever-changing digital landscape. However, you can successfully grow your practice on any marketing budget. The following tips are designed to help small law firms maximize the results of a limited team and budget. Effective Marketing Strategies In order to overcome marketing challenges as a small firm, you need to employ the use of the right strategies. #1 Organic vs. Paid Marketing One of the most significant impacts on the growth of your firm is how much business you drive to your site. You need to have a balance of both paid and organic tactics working for you at all times. The primary difference between paid and organic marketing is cost. Some small firms focus their efforts on just one strategy. However, this can be a costly marketing mistake. Both are needed to drive traffic to your site and convert leads into business. Content marketing can make up the bulk of your organic marketing. The goal is to provide valuable content to attract qualified prospects to your website. A successful content marketing strategy provides answers to questions clients are searching for. Creating and sharing content regularly helps generate traffic in the background. Once your content is posted, it’s out there working for you passively. Another form of organic marketing is SEO. Optimizing your content and website with well-researched keywords can help boost the digital visibility of

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How Attorneys Use LinkedIn As A Reliable Source For New Client Referrals

Successful marketing strategies take advantage of various social media platforms to connect with different audiences. Today we review how attorneys use LinkedIn to obtain quality clients as a reliable referral source. Understanding LinkedIn Each social media platform attracts users of varied demographics. However, LinkedIn is typically considered a platform for professionals. As such, you can optimize your page to match the tone of your professional colleagues. The goal for attorneys using LinkedIn to market themselves is to connect and remain connected with relevant professionals who can refer high quality clients to you for legal services. Depending on what type of clients you’re looking for, you may want to connect on LinkedIn with real estate professionals, accounting and tax professionals, insurance professionals, small business owners, etc., etc. Think of your profile as not only your digital business card but as a way to remain top of mind with key professionals. You want your information to be updated and accurate so potential clients or those who will refer clients can easily get in touch. A periodic review of your LinkedIn lawyer profile can help you identify outdated information and new opportunities to optimize how you describe your law firm and legal services. Pro tips for a stand out profile Include a recent headshot or logo Create a captivating professional headline Avoid using legal jargon in the summary section Add a few personal and professional points of interest Request recommendations and endorsements Incorporate a clear call to action inviting readers to contact you

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Is Your Attorney Bio Due For an Update?

When was the last time you thought about your biography? If it’s been a while, it’s probably overdue for an update. Potential clients read your bio to get an impression of you as a lawyer. Drafting a well-crafted biography can be a strong foundation for your marketing efforts as you establish yourself as an expert in your practice area. Your professional bio should be prominent on your Google Business Profile, law firm website, and social media platforms. Because this single piece of content plays such an influential role, it needs to effectively convey your professional qualifications while providing insight into your personality. This article will outline crucial elements to create an up-to-date, top-notch attorney biography. Let Your Personality Shine Through The key to creating a high-performing lawyer profile is authenticity. A genuine biography will help to make a deeper connection among readers. To accomplish this, you may have to break the traditional attorney mold. For example, don’t be afraid to use the first person when writing your bio. While this is not how a conventional profile is drafted, it may be suitable for the persona you are representing. Include An Engaging Photo Tons of research have concluded that people are drawn to faces. You don’t need to stress over your photo’s backdrop; instead, focus on the photo quality and its level of professionalism. If your photo is a few years old- update it! Provide a genuine representation of you so potential clients can trust your brand. Skip the traditional corporate

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Lead Magnet Marketing for Lawyers

Every successful marketing strategy begins with capturing leads. Turning leads into clients is the ultimate goal. So how do you capture leads? Lead Magnets Social media posts are not enough to catch the attention of today’s fast-scrolling readers. Lead magnets offer law firms a strategy for capturing the contact information of those interested in learning more about their services. Lead magnets are also referred to as “opt-in” or “freebie” marketing strategies. Think of a lead magnet as something valuable, like an ebook, that your firm can offer in exchange for a qualified lead, an email address, or other useful information. When creating and implementing a lead magnet, there are two goals to keep in mind. The first goal is to obtain contact information from your potential clients ethically. The second is to position your firm as an expert in your field by highlighting your knowledge. Popular lead magnet strategies include: eBooks – content that address FAQ’s, How To’s, etc. Recorded Webinars – pertinent information on a specific topic Checklists – the steps in a process, reminders, etc. eBooks eBooks offer a unique marketing strategy because they don’t seem like marketing tools. In fact, ebooks are a great way to help your audience find you instead of the other way around. Readers who want to access the information your firm is providing will download your ebooks. Things to include in an ebook: relevant and helpful information about a specific topic or area of law testimonials from satisfied clients case studies explanation

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Start Planning 2022 With The Ultimate Marketing Plan For Lawyers

With the new year fast approaching, the only way to outperform your rivals in 2022 is with an effective marketing strategy. Get a leg up on your competitors and position your firm for success next year by planning now. Follow the strategies below to create your ultimate 2022 marketing plan. Establish Realistic Marketing Goals What is your primary marketing goal for next year? Have you considered how you will achieve this goal? Creating goals is the easy part. Establishing steps to make sure they are realistic, however, is where the work begins. If your ultimate goal is to generate more clients, realistic marketing steps will include: Establishing your firm’s brand Developing your firm’s reputation Highlighting your expertise as an attorney Marketing your firm is always a good investment, even if that means hiring professionals to help you set and achieve your goals to grow your practice. Qualify Potential Clients Stop wasting valuable time. This sounds like a no-brainer, but many attorneys waste too much time on prospects that are never going to become clients. Avoid investing time and resources by qualifying clients prior to a consultation. Create a list of qualifying questions for staff to use prior to scheduling a consultation. These questions should determine the client’s motivation to ensure they are a good fit for your service. A receptionist or paralegal can use the following as examples of screening prompts before connecting a prospect to the attorney: What is the nature of your legal issue? In which town/ city

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Top Three Local Search Ranking Factors For Your Law Firm

Google provides nearby results in places like Maps and Search whenever someone searches for a business or service. Does your firm make the list? If you want to maximize how often users find your law firm in local search results, your Google My Business information must be accurate, complete, and engaging. Start by ensuring your listing provides a physical address and phone number, the correct category for your law firm, and relevant attributes. Next, you’ll need to verify your location. You can find instructions on how to verify your firm in this Google My Business Help article. Your firm will have the option to verify by mail, email, phone, or Search Console. After verifying your firm’s location, you’ll want to make sure your hours are up to date and accurate. Don’t forget to include special hours for holidays and events to let clients know your availability. Always respond to reviews promptly. Reviews are essential in today’s digital age, and by responding to reviews, Google acknowledges and credits your level of engagement. Plus, high-quality reviews from clients can increase your firm’s visibility. Finally, showcase your firm and tell your story through photos. You can add photos directly to your Business Profile. Doing so will help potential clients relate to you and your team. Once you’ve accurately updated your firm’s information, you’re ready to go a little deeper into Google’s local result algorithms. Google’s search algorithm is highly intelligent. Results are provided according to relevance, distance, and prominence. This means firms aren’t

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The Truth About SEO And Marketing Your Law Firm

You won’t read a single marketing article without the mention of ‘keywords’ or ‘search engine optimization’ these days. And for good reason. SEO is crucial to getting ahead of your competition, but there are a few things you need to understand in order to truly master this marketing tactic. Truth #1 SEO is essential to your firm’s marketing success, but that doesn’t mean results are instantaneous. One of the reasons it’s recommended to include paid-per-click advertising and social media ads in your marketing strategy is that using keywords to generate organic search results takes time. Results from SEO efforts depend on several different factors, such as your firm’s website content and technical SEO and obtaining high-quality backlinks to your site. Not only does the content on your site need to be unique, but you also need to post new content to stay relevant. This requires a lot of researching and writing. Additionally, the days of stuffing keywords like ‘family law’ or ‘malpractice suits’ into copy and getting results are over. Keywords need to be thoughtfully incorporated into your content to achieve successful SEO results. Technical SEO refers to the aspects of your site that take place behind the scenes. For example, your site speed, meta descriptions, and the technology driving your website all need to do their part when it comes to driving traffic to your site. These components can be managed and maintained by your site developer or an SEO professional. Finally, backlinking is the slowest component of your

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The Three Pillars of a Balanced Law Firm Marketing Plan

With so many digital marketing strategies out there, it can be challenging to figure out which ones are right for your firm. A balanced marketing plan will incorporate multiple strategies and is necessary for today’s competitive market. Pillar I: Content Marketing When it comes to creating content, think authority and authenticity. Clients want to feel connected to a business before they buy into a service. This is especially true for legal services, where issues often affect clients on a personal level. So what is content marketing? Content marketing covers everything from blogs to social media posts. To get the most out of this strategy, you need to utilize your content to build your brand, engage your prospects and clients, and drive sales. Effective law firm content marketing builds trust and authority in you and your law firm by creating client-centered content that helps your audience solve their problems. This can be accomplished by providing consistent content. Schedule your content a month or more in advance so you can meet your audience’s expectations. Pillar II: Inbound Marketing Inbound marketing is a key content marketing strategy. Simply put, inbound marketing is all about getting found online by sharing valuable content that will help your potential clients solve their problems. The goal of inbound marketing is to form connections with prospects. Tactics such as SEO, PPC, blogging, and social media are used to execute effective inbound marketing plans. The most successful inbound marketing strategies attract, engage, and delight clients. Start by sharing content

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You Didn’t Go to Law School to do Sales and Marketing

When you decided to follow the path to becoming a lawyer, what did you envision as your primary job duties? ‘Sales’ probably wasn’t on the list. However, like a salesperson, being a lawyer involves building relationships, commanding trust, and getting clients to say “yes”. How To Sell Your Legal Expertise Luckily for lawyers, effective sales is about asking questions, not performing a song and dance. Asking the right questions puts you in control of the conversation while showing what a caring lawyer you are. Asking pointed, strategic questions is the best way to influence prospective clients and referral sources. As you are well aware, clients may understand the symptoms of their legal situation but not the cause. Your attorney sales strategy (i.e., asking questions) is how you uncover the cause, which is likely a problem you can help a client solve. While you didn’t go to law school to become a salesperson, you need both marketing and sales to build a successful law practice. While sales is about the questions you ask, marketing is about the message. Sales without marketing is too difficult, and marketing without sales is cost-prohibitive. Now that we’ve discussed the importance of sales for your practice let’s talk about marketing. Marketing Isn’t Advertising Marketing involves everything you and your firm do to tell people about the firm and its practice areas. This involves narrating messages about who you are, what you do, and the unique value your firm delivers. Your marketing messages can be delivered through

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